Total Houses : 1500
Total Population : 10000
Total Voters : 3224
Janwada is a Village in Shankarpally Mandal in Rangareddy District of Telangana State, India. It belongs to Telangana region . It is located 25 KM towards East from District head quarters Hyderabad. 18 KM from Shankerpally.
Janwada Pin code is 500075 and postal head office is C.B.I.T .
Maharajpet ( 4 KM ) , Chinna Mangalaram ( 4 KM ) , Khanapur ( 5 KM ) , Chandanagar Village ( 5 KM ) , Chilkur ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Janwada. Janwada is surrounded by Rajendranagar Mandal towards East , Ramchandrapuram Mandal towards North , Shankarpally Mandal towards west , Patancheru Mandal towards North .
Ayurvedic Health Center
Pashu Vydhya Shala
Pensions and Post Distribution Mini Description
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Janwada, Hyderabad, Telangana - India
+91 81251 50005
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